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We all want to be the best version of ourselves, right? Well, like me, you may have read many of the trending self-help books, listened to podcasts and watched endless YouTube videos on how to 'level-up' your life. And whilst I've found many of these to be very useful, I can't help but feel the process is somewhat selfish. Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand that to some degree the area of self-development needs to be selfish - it's all about our journey, after all! 



However,  instead of focusing on how we can become wealthy, successful, popular or physically fit, I'll be looking at the heart of who we are.  How can we be the kindest version of ourselves? What does this look like? And how does this benefit us as well as other people?


Whilst focusing on growth within our success, wealth and physical appearance is not wrong, it can unintentionally cause us to turn inward, making us concerned with only the needs and happiness of ourselves. I've heard many YouTube 'Guru's' advise young men and women to harden their hearts in order to get what they want in life and sadly this is the narrative that many people are buying into. But have we really become the best version of ourselves if we end up more disconnected, selfish and self-absorbed along the way?


In my experience, I feel my best during the times where I'm living out kindness - this includes showing kindness to my whole self (body, mind & spirit) as well as other people. We can grow as a person and still show love and kindness to other people.

Imagine if adding a touch of kindness was on the to-do list of everybody's daily self-care routine! Kindness is contagious, which is why I believe it takes just a touch of kindness to see positive changes in our own lives and those around us.


So join me as I share what I've learnt, and continue to learn about all the different ways we can grow, heal and add a touch of kindness to our day. I look forward to sharing this journey with you! 

A Touch of Kindness

My Story

A little bit about me  

Hi, my name is Demi. 


I'm currently 26, and living in a remote, but very beautiful, village in the West of England. I have a degree in Creative Writing and a passion for knowledge, researching, and all other ways we can grow and learn in life. I also love watching people succeed and truly flourishing as their happiest and healthiest self!


I've always had a heart for helping people and treating others with kindness, however, there was a time in my life where I thought this made me a weak person. People seemed to always take advantage of me, which led to repeated feelings of hurt and betrayal. I grew to despise this part of my character, so I turned to devil worship as a way to harden my heart. (Drastic, I know) But it worked! 

I then spent years full of hatred towards myself and those around me. It took a miraculous encounter with God to renew my heart and fill me with love and compassion once more. (Ezekiel 36:26)












demi chaplin, kindness blog, christan girl, demonic possession deliverance
demi chaplin, kindness blog, christian girl tips, demonic possession deliverance

Since then I've been on a journey to learn and grow from past mistakes; how can I be a kind person whilst maintaining healthy boundaries? In what ways is kindness a strength instead of a weakness? I have already learnt so much, but my findings are far from over!

I once heard self-development described as a journey to the North. It's a direction you go, not a destination you arrive at. And I'm enjoying that journey! 


So why write a blog?

My life has significantly improved since studying holistic health, Bible scriptures and learning the connection between our body, mind and spirit. Even the smallest choices we make in life, from the body lotion we use to the shows we watch on TV, can affect our overall being!  So after seeing just how much my friends take an interest in my studies and tips, I thought others may be interested too! So here I am sharing what I've found with you! 


 So if you believe kindness plays a role in self-development, then I encourage you to check out my blogs! 


                                              Excited to grow together!​



P.S If you want to hear more about my testimony, or any of my other writings, you can sign up to my mailing list below where you will be updated with my latest books, featured blog articles and interviews  :) 


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