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Showing Kindness In Your Workplace

Are you joyful Jenny or cranky Craig? What type of attitude do you bring to the workplace?

"How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it"

Whether you like them or not, a lot of our time is spent around the people we work with. They are sometimes the first people we see in the morning or (for some) the last before we go to bed! Therefore the moods and actions of our colleagues can influence our own and impact the type of day we have! Time around joyous people can uplift our moods, whilst sitting by cranky Craig may drain us!

Work can be a stressful environment, forcing us to retreat into our own busy worlds, however we shouldn't let this impact how we treat others. No matter what excuse you have, or how justified you feel in your bluntness, people will always remember you for how you treated them - whether you brightened their day or ruined it.

Adding kindness to your colleagues day not only blesses them but also yourself. In the midst of your stress and busyness, taking a second to step out of that headspace to show kindness to another will ease and refresh your own spirit! So the next time you're at work, here are some quicky and easy ways you can add a touch of kindness to your colleagues day!

Ways to show kindness in the workplace

Give encouraging feedback

Don't take for granted that people know they are doing a good job - tell them! Sometimes people just need to hear their hard work is being recognised. Or if someone has said something that has impacted you, or their smile has brightened your day - let them know! It's the small, encouraging comments here and there that stay in people's hearts for a lifetime!

Greet others by their name with a smile

There's nothing more derepressing than walking into a workplace where nobody bothers to look up and greet you. Even a quick 'Good morning' is better than nothing. But if you really want to make your colleagues feel seen and valued, include their name and a smile as you greet them. Using someone's name is more personal, you're not just throwing words out there, instead you're acknowledging their presence which may mean more to someone than you realise.

Offer to serve others before serving yourself

If you're about to pour yourself a drink, ask if anyone else in the room would like one. If you open a door, stand aside and let the person behind pass through it first. These small, kind gesture don't go unnoticed and speak volumes about your character - and the more you do it, the more natural and automatic it becomes!

Check up on those who are off sick or going through a hard time

Have you ever been off work sick or had to take time out for personal reasons? Do you remember the people who reached out? How about the people who didn't? Sure you may not know them that well, or assume they're fine, but people notice those who do and do not reach out to them during their hard times. You're never too busy or important to drop someone a text or email asking them how they are doing. And if you have time to spare, ask them if you can help them out in any way. Do they need something picking up from the shop? Or maybe some company? You'll never look back and regret the times you were there for somebody.

Truly listen to what someone is saying

Don't ask how someone's day is then zone out. Truly listen to what they have to say and then follow up with questions. If their day is going good, why is it? What's made them excited, or what have they found challenging? Perhaps someone is looking forward to a trip on the weekend, ask them where they're going and what plans they have made for it - and then follow up with them about it the week after! Showing people you have a genuine interest in their lives will have a positive impact on those around you. You may be the only person to make them feel like someone cares! And you may even get to learn about some interesting things and places in return!

Connect with others during breaks and lunches

When you have chance to connect with your colleagues during breaks, put away your phone and other distractions and truly connect with them! Get involved with the team and be present in the moment, not only will the day be more enjoyable but you may create stronger friendships and connect with people you never thought you'd get on with!

There are of course many other ways to show kindness in the workplace, but these examples are some quick and easy starters! Now perhaps you already do show kindness in the workplace but feel it goes unappreciated or unnoticed, so question if there is any point in it at all! Let me assure you that it is noticed, even if it's in the quietness of someone's heart. But let's say it doesn't. That people are so focused on their own lives that they ignore your greetings or return your smile with a frown - what then? Well to that I say wouldn't you rather be the one who was ignored, than the one to ignore!

Focus on yourself. You are only responsible for what you do in life. The energy you bring. So regardless of what your working environment has been like so far, tomorrow is a new day and how more amazing will that day be with a touch of kindness!


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